Just For Fun Friday 12/06/13

The Color of Christmaslights

  There’s a bright color at this time of year
 that gladdens our hearts and fills us with cheer –
Red velvet curtains held back by Red knots,red felt Christmas Stocking
Red tablecloths glitter with Red sequined dots,
and the mantel is draped with Red felt,
shaped like socks.    
red CiderRed cider warms us, Red glaze on the ham,
shiny Red plates of Red apples and yams;
Red peppermint stripes in each little child’s hand.candy canes
Red jackets, Red mittens, Red sweaters galore,girl inred
Red hats and Red scarves on the streets, in the stores,
Red fuzzy slippers, Red p.j.’ s. and more…
dog pjsdog in red pjs
Red noses and cheeks, Red fingers, Red toes.
red ornamentsRed lights on the tree with Red presents below -
adorned with Red ornaments; tied with Red bows.
Festive and friendly, this brightest of hues.
Red –
overdrawnIn my bank book????
Now I’ve got the BLUES!
Please – enjoy the season – (but don’t over-do).
happy holidays'

4 Responses

  1. Dot
    Dot December 8, 2013 at 12:46 pm |

    A fun poem for Fun Friday. Very good.

  2. Freeda Baker Nichols
    Freeda Baker Nichols December 7, 2013 at 7:19 pm |

    Simply wonderful, Gayle. Good rhythm. Love it.

  3. Dorothy Johnson
    Dorothy Johnson December 6, 2013 at 10:49 am |

    Cute poem with an ever-so-true wrapup. It’s easy to overdo this time of year, especially when the kids are small — which is usually when you have less money to spend! We’ve simplified our giving, but I could still do too many last minute “little things” if I didn’t watch myself.

  4. cj clark
    cj clark December 6, 2013 at 7:48 am |

    Cute. I like it.

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