Just For Fun Friday 02/28/2014

have some wineYou know how it is.  A line or two goes through your mind, and the next thing you know, you try to make sense out of it.  Now, I’m a laid back country girl at heart.  I had a few thoughts one lazy afternoon, and this was the result.  Not a formal rhythm or rhyme, but fun, just the same.


Redneck  Ramblins

I like wine – ‘specially the kindsorghum
in my neighbor’s shed (that the feds won’t find!).
The tasseled rows her husband grows
are sorghum for molasses ( a kitchen staple –  
forget  Aunt Jemima or Maple).  
Got three dogs, four cats, a collection of gimmee caps
that say GO HOGS, I Luv My Truk, and John Deere,
and I can’t get enough of that Razorback stuff -
razorback hatif it’s red, just send it right here. 
       My favorite trip ain’t cool, it ain’t hip,
                            but come sit with me by the river and siphave some wine
                            some of that wine.
I get my hair done once a year just for fun,
in the meantime a ponytail works fine.
The work’s real hard in my big back yard
where critters come to the creek to drink –
And when a big-eyed doe brings her fawn out to show,
it’s  all worth it,
                            don’tcha think?
doe and fawn

You can speculate on what’s really me…


3 Responses

  1. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn February 28, 2014 at 4:03 pm |

    Was it Muscatine wine?

  2. Gayle Glass
    Gayle Glass February 28, 2014 at 9:59 am |

    Thanks, Rita!

  3. Rita Dortch
    Rita Dortch February 28, 2014 at 7:41 am |

    I enjoyed this! Your right sometimes it just comes rolling in and I don’t know where it comes from!!!!

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